WAI Guidelines as Appendixes

WAI EO Members:

As you probably noted in the outline of my book, I included a small section
dedicated to web accessibility guidelines (in general). This section
includes 3 subsections for the WAI guidelines. However, my intent was
strictly to describe the guidelines, highlight some of higher priority
issues and leave it at that.

As I continue to document the book, I am beginning to believe it may be
just as effective to include 3 additional appendixes to the book that
include complete renditions of the working draft (naturally citing the W3C
copyright statements along with them, as well as the designation, "working

Any thoughts? Recommendations? I'm neutral. 



Mike Paciello                     Email: <paciello@ma.ultranet.com>
WebABLE! Solutions          Tel: (603) 598-9544 
131 D.W. Highway #618     Fax: (603) 598-2839 
Nashua, NH 03060             WWW: <http:://www.webable.com>

Received on Friday, 22 January 1999 17:02:09 UTC