Authoring tool accessibility perspective at W3C Workshops

Hi all,

Just an FYI that W3C "organizes Workshops to promote early involvement 
in the development of W3C activities from Members and the public. The 
goal of a workshop is usually either to convene experts and other 
interested parties for an exchange of ideas about a technology or 
policy, or to address the pressing concerns of W3C Members".

Many of the workshops appear to have authoring tool tie-ins and of 
course that means potential authoring tool accessibility issues.

So I suggest taking a look to see if any are of interest to you or your 
organization. And if you attend it might be interesting to ask for input 
from the WG beforehand (a position paper is usually required) and to 
report back on the proceedings afterwards.


(Mr) Jan Richards, M.Sc. | 416-946-7060

Adaptive Technology Resource Centre (ATRC)
Faculty of Information | University of Toronto

Received on Wednesday, 28 April 2010 19:33:25 UTC