Re: AU in the subject line

> ... and people should filter on the List-id
> ... header of the mail.

Generally I agree, but in many cases mail programs only sort mail by
sender, not "List-id".  So I would find the [AU] in the subject line useful
but not required.

When I replied to this e-mail I "automatically" get "Charles McCathieNevile
<>" not "<>" in the send to field.  So I
have to "paste" the correct id.  I use to only get the "list-id" in the
"From field", but now I get the actual person on the list in the "From
field" and not the "list-id".

I can search by text string "" to get a list of only those
e-mails that match and do my processing thing from there.  But it still
would be helpful to explicitly mention the group, or document, or other
detail in the subject line as in the following examples:

not: face to face meeting     but: face to face AU meeting
not: meeting time moved  but: AU meeting time moved
not: guideline 6 comment but: ATAG guideline 6 comment

Phill Jenkins,  (512) 838-4517
IBM Research Division - Accessibility Center
11501 Burnet Rd,  Austin TX  78758

Received on Tuesday, 20 March 2001 19:16:07 UTC