Re: Please Review as Soon as Possible

> Perhaps...but these ARE authoring guidelines...and to be pragmatic about
> it, I like the idea of a placeholder going into the draft so it doesn't
> get completely dropped off the radar.

A placeholder in the AU draft is not the right way to ensure that VRML
stays on the WAI agenda. 
My plan would be to first build an assessment of the technology itself
in the PF group (Protocols&Formats WAI group dealing with reviewing
and improving HTML, CSS, SMIL, etc), and you and your group's work is
clearly what we need to start from.

Then we can look at guidelines for what need to go in a VRML file
itself to help accessibility. Then we can tackle guidelines for viewer
and editor of VRML. 

Received on Saturday, 30 May 1998 18:23:37 UTC