Re: Please Review as Soon as Possible

Not that I am not interested in VRML accessibility, (in fact, some of
you know I've been trying hard to find info about it for a while now,
to understand if we need to lobby for improvements in the format
itself, as a first step) but I find it odd to add a section about it
in the Authoring Tool guide, without a match in the Page Author guide
and the User Agent guide, like for everything else we do.

The fact that items should be mentioned in all three guidelines, and
not just one, is not a golden rule, but it shows that all items
have been thought thru the different WAI consituencies, starting from
PF, to GL then UA and AU.

I know Jutta is aware of VRML Accessibility, and Sandy is obviously an 
expert, but at that point, it doens't sound like a consensus on VRML
authoring tool access has been built in this group.

Otherwise said: probably everybody in this group is capable to read
something written by someone else about HTML Table authoring tool and
make sense out of it, and explain it to others once the guidelines is
approved by the group, but how many can explain what is a WorldInfo
or what easing the creation of a Viewpoint means ?

To me consensus means that all group members can defend the content of
the spec we're building, and I personally need a little more time to
do that with VRML (hope to be able to do it soon: I've printed Sandy's
paper a few days ago and it's on my stack of to-be-read).

> Sandy wrote:
> >Anyway would it be possible to add a section to address issues
> >concerning the accessability of  VRML (Virtual Reality MOdeling Languge)
> >files.
> >
> >It could go under the "Other Recommendations" section.
> >
> >A draft recommendation  could go as follows:
> >
> >VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language)
> >
> >* Use of description field for Anchor nodes is manditory.
> >* Provide utilities to ease the creation of WorldInfo nodes for the
> >description of particularly important objects.
> >* Provide utilities to ease the creation of Viewpoints.
> >* Provide utilities to ease the association of Audio descriptions which
> >are associated with particular objects and/or Viewpoints.
> >
> >---------------------------
> Can I get concensus on whether we should add it to this document or create
> an appendix or separate document addressing VRML as we had discussed
> earlier? My sense is, given the brevity of the list, it would fit well into
> this document under other recommendations.
> Jutta

Received on Saturday, 30 May 1998 18:12:33 UTC