- From: Søren Bjerring <sbjer@digst.dk>
- Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 14:32:51 +0000
- To: xueyuan <xueyuan@w3.org>, "w3c-translators@w3.org" <w3c-translators@w3.org>
- CC: Shadi Abou-Zahra <shadi@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <09e978112b2e4882b1d18f7984774817@digst.dk>
Dear Xueyuan As requested below here a more extensive representation of stakeholders to fulfill Step 1.1.2 of the Policy for Authorized W3C Translations. The relevant stakeholders constitute representation of the local community including government, disability organizations, umbrella organizations, businesses/organizations evaluating accessibility, and web developers. * Danish Agency for Digitisation (https://en.digst.dk/) * Danish Association of the Physically Disabled: https://danskhandicapforbund.dk/en/#gsc.tab=0 (This is an umbrella organization which represent people with different types of disabilities, working on a local, national and global level for disabled people in Denmark. In consists of 8.300 member and 43 local branches ( https://danskhandicapforbund.dk/da/om-forbundet/organisation/lokalafdelinger/#gsc.tab=0) * Siteimprove : https://siteimprove.com * Diversa: https://www.diversa.dk *Netvenlig: https://netvenlig.dk * DR Medier: https://www.dr.dk/om-dr/about-dr (Department of accessibility) * DBSU - Dansk Blindesamfunds Ungdom (Danish youth blind society) : https://dbsu.dk/ * KL - Kommunernes Landsforening: https://www.kl.dk/english/ (KL - Local Government Denmark is the association and interest organization of the 98 Danish municipalities) * LFBS(the association for the blind and visually impaired ): https://www.lfbs.dk/ * Sensus: https://sensus.dk/en/digital-accessibility * Energinet (Department of Communications): https://en.energinet.dk/ * Region Sjælland (https://www.regionsjaelland.dk/Kampagner/English/Sider/default.aspx) (Region Zealand is one of the five regions in Denmark. Comprising 17 municipalities) * Frederikssund Kommune(municipality): https://www.frederikssund.dk/ * Vejle Kommune (municipality)): https://www.vejle.dk/borger/mit-liv/ *IBOS - Instituttet for Blinde og Svagsynede (The Institute for the Blind and partially sighted): https://www.ibos.dk/english.html * Vejen Kommune (municipality): : https://vejen.dk/ * Dansk Blindesamfund (Danish blind society): https://blind.dk/ In addition to the above mentioned stakeholders that have been an active part of the translation process, then we will send it out in a preliminary hearing to the stakeholders below, that has been part of the general hearing process regarding the implementation of the accessibility law in Denmark. ATP Banedanmark.dk BL - Danmarks almene boliger CBS Center for Offentlig Innovation Daginstitutionernes Landsforening Danmarks Private Skoler Dansk Erhverv Dansk IT Danske A-Kasser Danske Erhvervsskoler og - gymnasier Danske Gymnasier Danske Handicaporganisationer Danske Regioner Datatilsynet Det Centrale Handicapråd DI Digital Diversa DSB DTU Foreningen af Kommunale it-chefer Foreningen for Dansk Internet Handel Færøernes Landsstyre Grakom - Brancheforeningen for Kommunikation, Design og Medieproduktion Grønlands Selvstyre Institut for menneskerettigheder IT-Branchen ITU KL KOMBIT Kreakom - Kreativitet og Kommunikation Københavns Universitet Landsforeningen af Menighedsråd Lederforeningen for VUC LOS - De private sociale tilbud Lønmodtagernes dyrtidsfond Metroselskabet Microsoft i Danmark Naviair Nota Ombudsmanden Private Gymnasier og studenterkurser Prosa Roskilde Universitet Sensus Siteimprove SKI Statens It Sund og Bælt Syddansk Universitet Ældre Sagen Aalborg Universitet Aarhus Universitet Med venlig hilsen _________________________ [DIGST_logo]<http://www.digst.dk/> Søren Bjerring Chefkonsulent BDK - Kontor for borger.dk M +45 2027 3259 E sbjer@digst.dk<mailto:sbjer@digst.dk> Digitaliseringsstyrelsen Landgreven 4 1017 København K www.arkitektur.digst.dk<http://www.arkitektur.digst.dk/> - fordi hverdagen er digital Du bedes venligst være opmærksom på, at Digitaliseringsstyrelsen ved modtagelsen af din meddelelse behandler de personoplysninger om dig, der fremgår af beskeden. Dette sker som led i Digitaliseringsstyrelsens myndighedsudøvelse. Du kan læse mere om, hvordan Digitaliseringsstyrelsen behandler dine personoplysninger, og hvilke rettigheder du har som registreret mv., i styrelsens privatlivspolitik https://digst.dk/om-os/privatlivspolitik/ Fra: xueyuan <xueyuan@w3.org> Sendt: 16. april 2019 16:51 Til: Søren Bjerring <sbjer@digst.dk> Cc: w3c-translators@w3.org; Shadi Abou-Zahra <shadi@w3.org> Emne: [LTO granted - step 3] Re: Danish authorized translation of WCAG 2.1 Dear Søren, Many thanks for notifying us that the The Danish Digitization Agency is interested in leading the Authorized Danish Translation of WCAG 2.1. While you intent in becoming LTO does not fulfill Step 1.1.2 of the Policy for Authorized W3C Translations, we grant you permission to proceed to Step 3 in preparing a Candidate Authorized Translation (CAT). Please Note, however, proceeding further to Step 4 will only be granted when an adequate representation of stakeholders have been identified and agree to participate in the process, as required by Step 1.1.2. More info can be found at: https://www.w3.org/2005/02/TranslationPolicy.html Please feel free to contact us if anything needed in further. Look forward to hearing from you. Best Regards, Xueyuan Jia, W3C Marketing and Communications On 4/16/19 4:50 PM, Søren Bjerring wrote: Dear W3C On behalf of The Danish Digitization Agency, I hereby inform the W3C that we have the intention of becoming the LTO for developing an authorized Danish translation of WCAG 2.1. An early first draft translation will be performed in close cooperation with stakeholder such as * Danish Association of the Physically Disabled (Address: Blekinge Boulevard 2, DK-2630 Taastrup/ https://danskhandicapforbund.dk/en/#gsc.tab=0) * Siteimprove (Sankt Annæ Plads 28, DK-1250 København, Danmark/ https://siteimprove.com/)) * Diversa (Adress: Eliasgade 4, 2.th, DK - 2300 København S/ https://www.diversa.dk/) * Netvenlig (Adress: Mathilde Parken 21, st. 4, DK - 3400 Hillerød/ https://netvenlig.dk/) Denmark has an extensive network of Web Accessibility, which all have been invited to join the translation, but most of them are waiting for a first draft, so they have something more concrete to comment on. We will on an early stage notify the various stakeholders that a first draft is being sent out in the near future, so they are prepared to comment on this, before the 30 day consultation period. I am confident that the consultation period will give the various stakeholders, such as various interest groups, "Local Government Denmark (Kommunernes Landsforening)", "The Danish Regions(Danske Regioner)", "The Danish IT Industry Association (IT-branchen)", etc. , from which we normally have a close cooperation with - the necessary possibility to get involved if they wish to do so, and thereby to ensure a broad consensus and needed acceptance. In the final translated edition, we will be sure to record which organization have participated/given the acceptance in the process We are looking forward to hearing from you Very best regards _________________________ [DIGST_logo]<http://www.digst.dk/> Søren Bjerring Chefkonsulent BDK - Kontor for borger..dk M +45 2027 3259 E sbjer@digst.dk<mailto:sbjer@digst.dk> Digitaliseringsstyrelsen Landgreven 4 1017 København K www.arkitektur.digst.dk<http://www.arkitektur.digst.dk/> - fordi hverdagen er digital Du bedes venligst være opmærksom på, at Digitaliseringsstyrelsen ved modtagelsen af din meddelelse behandler de personoplysninger om dig, der fremgår af beskeden. Dette sker som led i Digitaliseringsstyrelsens myndighedsudøvelse. Du kan læse mere om, hvordan Digitaliseringsstyrelsen behandler dine personoplysninger, og hvilke rettigheder du har som registreret mv., i styrelsens privatlivspolitik https://digst.dk/om-os/privatlivspolitik/
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Received on Tuesday, 11 June 2019 14:33:20 UTC