Re: [Japanese] Completed translation of XML Entity Definitions for Characters (2nd Edition)

Dear David

I directly translated the HTML.

Thank you for telling me github and sources of Editor's draft.

Best regards,

差出人: David Carlisle <>
送信日時: 2018年9月28日 22:45
宛先: Xueyuan; 高村 吉一
件名: Re: [Japanese] Completed translation of XML Entity Definitions for Characters (2nd Edition)

On 28/09/2018 08:54, Xueyuan wrote:
> Hi Yoshikazu,
> Thank you very much!


yes thanks for this!

May I ask did you directly translate the HTML or did you translate the
source XML and XSLT files?

I ask as some of the English text (notably headings for the generated
tables) is inserted by the XSLT build stylesheet and that could have an
option to insert Japanese (or other) texts instead of English, which may
help keep future translations in sync, if they are generated from
translated source XML?

The editor's draft is on github at

with sources at

Especially as Xueyuan mentioned a github based workflow for translations
in future, it seemed worth pointing at these versions.
(There are no changes in the editors draft other than using the newer
css styles and updating to Unicode 11 (which doesn't affect any of the
normative parts of the spec)



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Received on Sunday, 30 September 2018 13:32:22 UTC