[DE] Intention of translation RDFa Lite

Dear Translators,

I confirm that I have searched the translation database and monitored 
the mailing-list w3c-translators.

Unless there are objections within the next few days, I will proceed 
with the translation into German of the following document:

RDFa Lite

I might translate XHTML+RDFa 1.1 and parts of RDFa Core 1.1 after 
that, but if that will happen, I will send separate translation 

In compliance with the W3C Intellectual Property FAQ 
(http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/IPR-FAQ-20000620#translate), I 
will be required to place a prominent disclaimer in my translation(s) 
in which I will disclose, (1) the title of and link to the original 
English document, (2) that my document is a translation which may 
contain errors, and (3) that the original English document on the W3C 
website is the one that is official. (Items (2) and (3) must be in 
the target language.)

I will also make sure the links within my translation are valid and 
will endeavor to provide valid markup and CSS (validation tools are 
at http://validator.w3.org/).

I will notify this list with links to my translation when complete.

Stefan Schumacher

Stefan Schumacher
Kamshet, Maharashtra, India
+91 9923670737

Received on Sunday, 23 September 2012 10:05:01 UTC