Re: Can't I post any temporary, working or partial translations to IG Wiki placed inside

Dear Kimitaka Suzumizaki

Thanks for writing.
I have several answers, in addition to the ones you received with the same  
message in other W3C fora.

You may enquire within the HTML5 Japanese Interest Group what edits you  
are welcome to make on the wiki.
There is nothing preventing from working on translations, even partially,  
and you may very well put your work on a wiki, if the IG is agreeable.

However, there are a three things that apply in your case.

1) Announcing intention of translation to the list  
is always a good idea. It gives notice to people and avoids possible  
duplication of work. You can find a template e-mail on the Translations  

2) We usually advise against translating documents that are in draft form,  
because of their unstable nature and because they are subject to constant  
change. That being said, I understand that it is crucial to the HTML5  
Japanese IG work to be able to understand drafts and that translating them  
does make sense. By all means, please, use the latest drafts.

3) Please, make sure you have read the information on translations in our  
W3C Intellectual Property FAQ  
( Your  
translation(s) will need to bear a prominent disclaimer in which you  
disclose, (1) the title of and link to the original English document, (2)  
that your document is a translation which may contain errors, and (3) that  
the original English document on the W3C website is the one that is  
official. (Items (2) and (3) must be in the target language.)

Best regards,

On Tue, 02 Mar 2010 17:51:26 +0100, Coralie Mercier <> wrote:

> Hello
> I'll send a reply as soon as I've been able to do some internal  
> discussions first.
> Best regards,
> Coralie
> On Tue, 02 Mar 2010 01:04:43 +0100, 鈴見咲君高 <> wrote:
>> Hello, all.
>> I have an account to access the Wiki of "HTML5 Japanese Interest
>> Group", below. and I have a question.
>> The question is: Can't I post any temporary, working or partial
>> translations, of the specifications placed on, to IG Wiki
>> placed inside
>> I know the W3C want to be notified before and after translating any
>> documents on w3c, to prevent misunderstanding them spreadly.
>> And I want to talk about the ruby specification of HTML5 and
>> corresponding representation in CSS3 Draft. But... Both HTML5 and CSS3
>> is too huge to "complete" translating, just want to talk about
>> ruby-annotation.
>> Or, can I 'partially' translating them, and post to IG Wiki, to
>> discuss or review about the documents, or review and fix the
>> translation work anytime/anyone if need?
>> And if I can above, even partially translating, Must I notify to both
>> this list and the authors of original documents?
>> One of the aim of that IG is "to gather comments and questions in
>> Japanese about those specifications". And to send the comments or
>> discuss about any specifications on W3C, I (and maybe 'we') often want
>> to read the specifications in Japanese, to understand smoothly, or to
>> check understanding the specification properly, each other.
>> Or do anyone have good ideas?
>> Thanks,

Coralie Mercier - Communications Team - Incubator Activity Lead
              World Wide Web Consortium -
      W3C/ERCIM - N212 - 2004, rte des lucioles - 06410 Biot - FR +33492387590

Received on Wednesday, 3 March 2010 16:05:02 UTC