Japanese Authorized Translation of WCAG 2.0

Dear all,

On behalf of JIS Web Accessibility Committee of INSTAC [1], I would
like to inform that the committee has the intention of becoming the
LTO for developing an authorized Japanese translation of WCAG 2.0.

The list of stakeholders for the review is not yet determined, but the
committee will recruit WCAG stakeholders in Japan.  The first draft
version of the translation is available at [2].

Tatsuya Hagino
Keio University/W3C Keio
As a member of JIS Web Accessibility Committee

[1] INSTAC: Information Technology Research and Standardization
    Center, Japanese Standards Association
[2] http://www.jsa.or.jp/stdz/instac/commitee-acc/W3C-WCAG/WCAG20/index.html

Received on Sunday, 22 March 2009 04:28:31 UTC