Re: CSS 2.1 translation

[+cc: Bert Bos, Editor of the document, for information]

On Wed, 28 Jan 2009 18:51:40 +0100, Илья Кантор <> wrote:

> Dear Sirs,
> I'd like to inquire about the plans for CSS 2.1.
> Personally, I'd like to translate it into Russian,
> but its current status stops me from doing that.
> The specification is large and I don't want spend efforts to see that  
> new version is available soon
> and I need to redo all the stuff.
> Could you explain these moments for me as a translator ?
> Is anyone translating CSS 2.1 right now ?
> Yours,
> Ilya Kantor

Hello Ilya

Thank you for writing.

You are right. CSS 2.1 being a Candidate Rec. [1], it is not stable enough  
to consider it translation material.
We advise translators to focus on stable documents instead.


To the best of my knowledge, nobody is currently translating it (there  
have been enquiries in the past [2], however).


Best regards,

Coralie Mercier      W3C Communications Team
              World Wide Web Consortium -
ERCIM/W3C - N112 - 2004, rte des lucioles - 06560 Sophia Antipolis - FR
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Received on Thursday, 29 January 2009 10:26:27 UTC