WCAG Authorized Translation into Dutch

To the list,
We kindly propose to translate the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
to Dutch as an authorized translation.
LTO would be the Accessibility Foundation, Member of W3C and lead
translator of the previous WCAG1.0 requirements to Dutch.
The relevant stakeholders with which we will coordinate the review of
the translation are below. They constitute an appropriate representative
of the local community. The stakeholder group includes the Benelux W3C
Host Office. The adresses will be published on the mailing list and on a
dedicated webpage that will be setup for the purpose by the Benelux W3C
Host Office.
These are the stakeholders with which we will coordinate the review.
They have already been invited tot participate in the process, and have
agreed to do so:
LTO: Accessibility Foundation, www.accessibility.nl, Eric Velleman
W3C Benelux Host Office, www.w3c.nl, Fons Kuijk
Quality Mark Drempelvrij.nl, www.drempelvrij.nl, Marijke van Grafhorst
Viziris (umbrella organisation for the blind), www.viziris.nl Roel van
CG-Raad (umbrella organisation for people with disabilities),
www.cg-raad.nl, Represented by Roel van Houten
Bartimeus institute, www.bartimeus.nl, Henk Snetselaar
Anysurfer Belgium, www.anysurfer.be , Bart Simons
Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom affairs, www.minbzk.nl , Imke
Gemeente Stadskanaal, www.stadskanaal.nl, Koen Willems
University of Twente, www.utwente.nl, Thea van der Geest
Katholic University of Leuven (KUL), www.kuleuven.be, Christophe
Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen (HAN), www.han.nl,  Iacobien
Marlot Communicatie, www.marlotcommunicatie.nl, Iris Beck
IntraXS (Webcompany), www.intraxs.nl, Valentijn van Esch
Cinnamon Interactive, www.cinnamon.nl, Stephen Hay
Vodafone, Group, www.vodafone.nl, Mercedes Madanire
Liberty Global, www.lgi.com, Bert Holtkamp
Microsoft, www.microsoft.com/netherlands, Ruud de Jonge
Adobe, www.adobe.com/nl, Colin Oosterveld
Axendo, www.axendo.nl, Martijn Beumers
Eenvoudig Communiceren, www.eenvoudigcommuniceren.nl, Ralf Beekveld
Qualityhouse, www.qualityhouse.nl, Gerard Kruijff
Shell, www.shell.nl, Martijn Bottenheft
NUON NV Energy, www.nuon.nl, Wouter van der Harg
TamTam, www.tamtam.nl  Ferry den Dopper
Thuiswinkel.org, www.thuiswinkel.org, Jeff Ronge
Kindest regards,
Eric Velleman
Technical director Accessibility Foundation
Eric Velleman
Technisch Directeur
Stichting Accessibility
Expertisecentrum kwaliteit en toegankelijkheid internet en software
Oudenoord 325, 
3513EP Utrecht (The Netherlands); 
Tel: +31 (0)30 - 2398270;
www.accessibility.nl / www.wabcluster.org / www.econformance.eu /
Read our disclaimer on the website:
Accessibility is Member of W3C
"The power of the Web is in its universality. 
Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect"
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and inventor of the WWW

Received on Wednesday, 13 May 2009 12:39:25 UTC