tableless-css-layout fixes

Hello Coralie. According to your letter:

>[[ Prominently disclose in the target language the following 3 items: 
>1. the original URL, the status of the document, and its original
copyright notice. 

i've fixed source URL link but copyright notice and status are absent in
document. i guess it's stable document, howether it's just a guess. where
should i get status and notice to translate? i've made a link to
"Intellectual Rights FAQ" at header but i can't guess is it enough?

>    2. that the normative version of the specification is the English
version found at the W3C site. 

this absent in that doc too. how can i get them?

>    3. that the translated document may contain errors from the
translation. ]] 

This issue is fixed. Thanks.


Received on Tuesday, 10 June 2008 16:13:35 UTC