Re: Finnish translation of CSS1

On Tue, 12 Dec 2006 12:32:15 -0500, CE Whitehead <>  

> Hi, Erkka Koski:
> I think the copyright notice appears in the first version of the  
> document and not in the version you translated; it appears at the bottom  
> of the page;
> normally the copyright notice has to be included in English but it was  
> not in the version you translated.
> I do not know what you should do.
> You might include an additional note at the top, where you say the  
> English version is the definitive version, stating that the W3C  
> copyright notice on the original version also applies to your  
> translation.
> But I honestly do not know for sure what you should do.

Dear all

Erkka Koski's translation (now added to the db) is fine as is. The  
original document has not copyright.

When the original document has a copyright, this must be kept in the  
translation, in English. The translator may choose to provide a  
translation of the copyright in addition to the original English copyright.


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Received on Tuesday, 12 December 2006 18:01:03 UTC