Re: Updated article: Two-letter or three-letter language codes

Hello Richard,

I think the update was a good thing, but it went a bit too far.
It seems to give the impression that everything changed, while
almost nothing changed. The language subtags are still exactly
the same as before. The rule "if there is a two-letter code and
a three-letter code, always use the two-letter code" is still
very valid, and will continue to be valid. The IANA registry
is just an additional way to find your language (sub)tag.

At the least, I would add the following fact to the current document:
This is basically not a change of language (sub)tags, but just
a change in how they are made available (one stop shopping
at IANA instead of having to check different lists).

Regards,    Martin.

At 04:22 06/09/22, Richard Ishida wrote:
>Since the publication of the new IANA Language Subtag Registry as the place 
>to find language subtags, rather than the ISO code lists, this question is 
>no longer relevant.
>The article was almost completely rewritten to explain this.
>The Portuguese translation has been removed, since the text is now so 
>radically different.
>Richard Ishida
>Internationalization Lead
>W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)

#-#-#  Martin J. Du"rst, Assoc. Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University

Received on Friday, 22 September 2006 03:17:36 UTC