Re: Resource Representation SOAP Header Block (Russian)

On Sat, 2006-08-12 at 10:39 +0300, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Aug 2006 14:12:51 +0300, Nakagava Ltd.  
> <> wrote:
> > Resource Representation SOAP Header Block
> > W3C Recommendation 25 January 2005
> >
> > translated into Russian:
> Hi all,
> I don't believe that it is appropriate to include the various links that  
> are at the end of the text. They are not part of the original, there is  
> nothing to suggest that they are simply random links added on, and I  
> therefore belieeve that this violates the copyright conditions that allow  
> a translation to be published.

Next time you're looking for something in a search engine, don't be
surprised if you end up in that useless (except for the ones making
money out of it) SPAM directory where these translations are hosted and
which is benefiting greatly from the W3C inbound links.


Miguel Saturnino

Teia Digital (R) -- Alojamento Web e Soluções Internet |

Received on Saturday, 12 August 2006 10:58:19 UTC