Re: AT of WCAG1.0 in Dutch


thank you very much and this looks good! I will contact you personally
for the details


Eric Velleman wrote:
> Dear all,
> It is a pleasure for us to report W3C that foundation (Netherlands) is willing to produce an authorized translation in Dutch of the Web Content Accessiblility Guidelines 1.0  (WCAG 1.0). has volunteered to act as leading translation organization.  
> Stakeholders:
> Stichting Bartiméus Accessibility (acting as LTO)
> Utrechtseweg 84 
> 3702AD Zeist
> Netherlands
> Reason: Promoting Web accessibility for disabled people. Strengthening the Dutch WCAG to a tool for enforcing / encouraging accessibility of (semi-) government sites
> W3C Benelux Office
> Kruislaan 413
> 1098 SJ Amsterdam
> Netherlands
> Reason: Regional W3C office. Guarding the authorization process
> NEN 
> P.O. Box 5059
> 2600 GB Delft
> Reason: Dutch National Normalization Institute. Facilitating the transformation of the AT to a Dutch national standard.
> All of them have agreed to participate
> Candidate authorized translation
> Since 2000, a Dutch translation of the WCAG 1.0 exists. This informal translation (which is already widely being used in several (semi-)government documents) will be submitted as a Candidate authorized translation to several interested organizations within Flanders and the Netherlands for review.
> Kindest regards,
> Eric Velleman
> =============================
> Eric Velleman
> Directeur
> Bartimeus Accessibility Foundation
> NL Center of Expertise for accessibility of ICT
> Utrechtseweg 84, 
> 3702 AD Zeist (The Netherlands); 
> Tel: +31 (0)30 - 6982401; Fax: +31 (0)30 - 6982388
> /
> =============================
> "The power of the Web is in its universality. 
> Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect"
> Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and inventor of the WWW
> =============================
> Read our disclaimer on the website:
> Accessibility is Member of W3C


Ivan Herman
W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
C/o W3C Benelux Office at CWI, Kruislaan 413
1098SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
tel: +31-20-5924163; mobile: +31-641044153;

Received on Thursday, 8 June 2006 09:34:11 UTC