Re: RDF Primer in Japanese

Dear Ivan Herman

Oops. Sorry for the rudimentary mistake.
I reset the encoding to the Shift-JIS.

Best Regards,

>Dear Shuji,
>first of all, thank you very much for your contribution. I have added the
>reference to your translation to our internal database. However, there is a
>small problem that I would like you to handle before I publish it.
>The file contains no information on the exact encoding of the text. The server
>response indicates ISO-8859-1 which is probably the default encoding set on your
>server. Obviously, this encoding is not appropriate for your file; after some
>time I found out that it is, in fact, encoded in Shift-JIS.
>While some browsers try to find the encoding by sniffing into the file, other
>browsers (like Firefox that I am using) strictly follow the encoding information
>in the HTTP return header. Which means that by default, your file is unreadable
>and one has to set the encoding explicitly. Could you, please, set the encoding
>in the file and in the http return header to Shift-JIS?
>Thank you very much
>Ivan Herman
>P.S. In case you are lost... the Internationalization activity has a number of
>documents that might be helpful. The best is if you look at their index page at
>-------- Original Message --------
>From: Kamitsuna Shuji <>
>Subject: RDF Primer in Japanese
>Date: 27/9/2005 16:43
>>This is Shuji KAMITSUNA in Japan.
>>RDF Primer in Japanese is available now on my website below.
>>Thank you !
>Ivan Herman
>W3C Communications Team, Head of Offices
>C/o W3C Benelux Office at CWI, Kruislaan 413
>1098SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
>tel: +31-20-5924163; mobile: +31-641044153;

Received on Wednesday, 28 September 2005 14:39:38 UTC