Re: Italian translation of Speech Synthesis Markup Language V. 1.0


thank you.

As for the XML source file vs. XHTML file: the problem that the XML file needs
additional tools to produce publishable results. It greatly helps the editors of
the original document, but afaik it is geared at helping the development process
of the recommendation. I think it is simpler to consider the XHTML files and go
directly from there... But I copy this mail to our voice guys, maybe they have
an insight into this that I do not have!

Thanks again

Ivan wrote:
> Hi all,
> it's the first time I write here.
> I'd like to translate, this summer, the Recommendation on "Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) Version 1.0".
> Thanks for your comments.
> A question: Do I have to translate the XHTML file? Or maybe there's an XML source file to translate from?
> Thanks!
> Simone Pascarosa
> GNU/Linux User Group Perugia
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Ivan Herman
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Received on Tuesday, 19 July 2005 07:10:01 UTC