Re: [Fwd: HTML 4.01 - Bosnian]

Thanks to Patrick who answered Ciro's question. He gave the perfect answer, I really do 
not have anything to add... Ciro, I will be pleased to add your translation to our data 
base when done!


Peutch wrote:
>>From: "Ciro Alibabich" <>
>>Date: Thu, 26 May 2005 20:18:41 +0200
>>Subject: HTML 4.01 - Bosnian
>>I would like to translate HTML 4.01 Recommendation into Bosnian, but I 
>>one question:
>>Which version of the documet should I translate: HTML, PDF or something
>>I was thinking about doing HTML page by page...
> I think the best is always to keep as close as you can to the original 
> document. 
> This implies :
> - to use the HTML pages ;
> - to keep the same names for files and anchors within files ;
> - to keep the same structure ;
> - to keep the same styling ;
> etc.
> So my advice would be, indeed, to translate the HTML version page by page. 
> Using the HTML will make you work easier as you only need to translate the 
> text displayed but can re-use the code "as is". (Try to translate everything 
> that could appear to the reader, though, including title and alt elements, 
> and some of the meta-data as well.)
> Also, do not forget to add the usual "translation mention" at the beginning 
> : "This is a translated version of... which remains the only reference 
> document. All errors are mine etc." The usual stuff ;-)
> Someone corrects me if I've said anything wrong !
> Meanwhile, have fun !
> Patrick Blanchenay


Ivan Herman
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Received on Friday, 27 May 2005 06:08:01 UTC