- From: Martin J. Duerst <duerst@w3.org>
- Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 15:18:19 +0900
- To: w3c-translators@w3.org
Dear friends, colleagues, everybody, Please find below the Call for Participation for the Internationalization Track and related activities at the 10th International World Wide Web Conference in Hong Kong May 1-5, 2001 (just the week after the Unicode Conference). The deadline for extended abstracts for the Internationalzation Track is December 22nd. For other deadlines, please see below. You can find further information on the conference at http://www10.org.hk/ and the Call for Participation at http://www10.org.hk/w10-call-international.html. Please don't hesitate to contact me (mailto:duerst@w3.org or mailto:internationalization@www10.org) if you have any questions. For general information about WWW10, please write to mailto:info@www10.org. Please forward this announcement wherever appropriate. Appologies for those that receive this announcement multiple times. Looking forward to see you at a very International WWW10 in Hong Kong! With kind regards, Martin. _____________________________________________________________________ WWW10 Calls for Participation: Internationalization Track/Thread _____________________________________________________________________ The Internationalization Track will provide a concentrated collection of presentations on core multilingual topics. Submissions are invited according to the details below. The Internationalization Thread will link tutorials, papers, panels, posters, and other conference events related to internationalization. For submissions to other conference events, please see the respective pages. Internationalization will be a hot topic in Hong Kong is spring 2001; the [3]18th International Unicode Conference will take place just a week before WWW10 (see http://www.unicode.org/iuc/iuc18/). _____________________________________________________________________ * Extended Abstracts due: December 22, 2000 * Author notification: January 19, 2001 * Final papers due: February 19, 2001 _____________________________________________________________________ Internationalization Track topics include but are not limited to: * Web Internationalization techniques and tools * Multilingual Web site design and management * Parallel multilingual documents * Translations on and for the Web * Multilingual search and retrieval * Multilingual identifiers and names * Internationalization of non-PC devices * Language-, script-, or culture-specific issues * Interactions between language, culture, and society on the Web * Multilingual Web sites: experience reports Contributions from the Asia-Pacific Region are particularly welcome. _____________________________________________________________________ Submissions: For presentations in the Internationalization Track, please send extended abstracts to Martin J. Duerst (mailto:internationalization@www10.org), Internationalization Chair, by December 22nd, 2000. An extended abstract should include title, authors, goal and outline of the presentation and the main results, and should be between one and two printed pages in length. Where appropriate, URIs to further information should be included. Presentations will be selected by the track chair, with the help of experts. Final papers will be due by February 19th, 2001 in the same format as the papers in the paper track (HTML or PDF), but shorter. Presentations will typically last between 30 and 45 minutes (including questions). Proposals for other contributions to the conference (tutorials, papers, panels, posters) should be made according to the respective call for proposals. The deadlines are as follows: Paper submission deadline: November 13, 2000 (midnight Hawaiian Time (GMT-10)) Culture Track Paper Proposal submission deadline: November 13, 2000 Panels Proposal submission deadline: November 30, 2000 Web and Society Track Proposal submission deadline: November 30, 2000 Posters submission deadline: February 5, 2001 Vendors Track Proposal deadline: February 26, 2001 _____________________________________________________________________ A note on accessibility issues: - Whenever appropriate, authors are encouraged to comment on accessibility as it relates to their poster. - Are the technologies, standards or practices you are discussing accessible to individuals who use alternative display or control systems (e.g., people who have disabilities)? - For more information please see http://www.w3.org/WAI/ _____________________________________________________________________
Received on Friday, 10 November 2000 01:18:46 UTC