Re: Translations of the HTML 4 Specification

Ok, thank you for the information, I will send it on to the w3c translation 
list and the document editors.

At 16:24 9/24/2000 +0200, Angel Ruyter wrote:
>The Dutch translation of your HTML 4 Specification, made by
>Andy Camps <>, see 
><>Dutch translation of HTML 4.01 
>in progress
>is very irritating, because on every page-switch their is a little window 
>with advertisement from 'easyspace'.
>On closing the window a bigger window of the same company appears. The code 
>for making this happen is integrated in your original HTMLpages, so Andy 
>Camps did more then just translate. By the way, the translation is of a 
>very poor quality.
>I hope this E-mail is send to the right people. If not, would you be so 
>kind to redirect it?
>Greetings from
>Angèl Ruyter

Joseph Reagle Jr.
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair

Received on Friday, 29 September 2000 07:21:45 UTC