Dutch translation HTML 4: status unknown

Bart Martens <bart.martens@tvd.be> asked on 6 Jan 2000:

> Do you still need volunteers for
> translating the HTML 4.01 specification
> to Dutch? If so, you're welcome to ask
> me to join the translators team.

A similar question, but more general for
any W3C paper, was formulated by
Marc Bliek <mbl@terti.net> on 7 Nov 1999.

I (Lieven Smits) am also interested in
contributing to the Dutch translation. The HTML 4
translations page
lists four email addresses for Dutch translators:

    Joachim Schwarte <schwarte@iwb.uni-stuttgart.de> 
    Hans Kort <kraskort@dds.nl> 
    JanWillem Groenenberg <jw@escher.ptf.hro.nl> 
    Koen deBoeve <de.boeve@pandora.be>

I tried to contact them about the progress of the
translation. The second address appears to be
broken (user unknown), and the other three did not
respond. If any of you four are reading this,
would you please give a sign of life ? Even
"I have given up for lack of time" would be OK.

If I do not hear anything soon, I shall assume
that no work has been done, and I shall try to
establish a collaboration with Bart Martens and
Marc Bliek to translate the HTML4 spec
from scratch.

Lieven Smits
Economische Hogeschool Sint-Aloysius
Stormstraat 2
B-1000 Brussels, Belgium

Received on Thursday, 6 January 2000 07:33:14 UTC