Re: About file html40-errata.html

At 16.34 17/03/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Just so we aren't sending confusing messages. In this instance of HTML,
>since the minor errors are so well documented, and you have permission from
>Ian, it makes sense to correct them (though please say that you did so).

Very well. In agreement with this and following the opinion of Ian Jacobs,
our translation in Italian will include the semantic errors but it will
correct the smaller errors (typographical). Therefore it partially
modificates the content of my previous message in the following manner:

>Well, we will follow your suggestions: our translation will be literal,
including SEMANTIC >errors. We will add, when a SEMANTIC error occurs, a
note (looking clearly different from the >surrounding text) with a link to
the relative correction listed in html40-errata.html.

Michele Diodati - Roma (Italy)

Received on Wednesday, 18 March 1998 04:15:06 UTC