Re: On constraining/validating datatypes

At 13:42 1997 05 22 -0400, Steven J. DeRose wrote:
>The ERB yesterday discussed the issue of datatypes (among others). I was
>foolish enough to toss out a strawman proposal, so was granted the task of
>tuning it up (into a flaxman, perhaps?) for the WG to discuss.

>b) If and only if we provide this DATETIME type, implementors of validating
>XML parsers would build it just as they build support for IDREFS now. 

I am against adding data typing as another XML-lang validation issue.
I'd prefer "validating XML-lang" and "validating data types" to be separate
(orthogonal) issues/features/modules/whatever so that an "XML-datatyping"
spec (misleadingly named, since it would be data typing for all SGML) could
be used (or not) independently for XML or SGML applications.

I'd entertain some sort of "datatyping=yes" attribute on our introductory
<?XML ... version="1.0" ... ?> PI, but the default handling of XML should
not require datatyping.  It just isn't necessary to require that of all
XML processors.


Received on Thursday, 22 May 1997 19:09:22 UTC