On constraining/validating datatypes

The ERB yesterday discussed the issue of datatypes (among others). I was
foolish enough to toss out a strawman proposal, so was granted the task of
tuning it up (into a flaxman, perhaps?) for the WG to discuss.

There seem to be two main axes along which we can differentiate approaches:

1) The range of datatypes we choose to support.

2) The place where datatypes get defined, and then where they get associated
with particular data (individual element instance; elements that provide
meta-information; or the DTD).

NOTE: There is a third axis, namely whether datatypes can be applied to
attributes, to content, or both; but I think a solution that only applies to
one would look fairly silly so I show all examples in a way that can work
for both.

Along the first axis, there are several obvious points we can choose:

a) Do nothing: have no types for #PCDATA, and only the existing attribute
declared values.

b) Define a small, fixed number of atomic types.

c) Define a language for defining datatypes: regex (say, per POSIX), or
perhaps HyLex. 

d) Define a way to access *any* programming, scripting, or other language at

For example, consider a datatype like DATETIME, and assume for the moment
one of the ISO-standard forms, such as "1997-05-21 22:45:00". The four
points just described enable different degrees of validation
(well-formedness is not at issue; and we are talking here about validation
*within* the purview of the system we are standardizing; individual
applications can do any post-processing and checking they want). For the 4
approaches above, respectively:

a) No validation is provided; "foo" is a perfectly valid value for a
DATETIME, since DATETIME has no standing in SGML (it's either a CDATA
attribute or CDATA/RCDATA/#PCDATA content). If you make a separate element
(not attribute) that contains only a DATETIME value, you could still
associate a NOTATION attribute which could, in some implementation, invoke a
validation processor outside SGML.

b) If and only if we provide this DATETIME type, implementors of validating
XML parsers would build it just as they build support for IDREFS now. 

c) Validation of the lexical form can be defined by users who need it, but
as MSM pointed out regexes can't catch February 29 of non-leap years (except
via a *really* hideously long expression).

d) Since in (d) you can access a complete language (like C or Java), of
course you can implement the whole leap-year algorithm and invoke it.

Of course, (c) or (d) could *also* provide predefined forms as in (b), and
(d) could still provide one particular language as in (c). Regexes are so
ubiquitous, and buy an essentially infinite mechanism for only slightly more
(possibly less) effort than (b), so I think they should be included. I
wouldn't mind (d), so long as we require support for regexes as an
interoperable choice.

NOTE: In following examples I include a NOTATION name as would be needed for
(d). With (c) these could of course be deleted, since the constraint
language would be a constant.

Along the second axis, possible approaches are shown below. In any of these
cases we could use entities or hyperlink references to keep the constraint
definitions outside the actual physical document stream, which may be
desirable so WF parsers need not waste time to parse past constructs they
won't need.

a) Associate datatypes with data via attributes. Provide a place to define
the datatypes elsewhere (header, referenced file, etc). This is a lot like
HyTime "lextypes", which do this rather nicely.

   <datatype-def name="integer" expr="[0-9]+"     notation="regex">
   <datatype-def name="letdig"  expr="[a-z][0-9]" notation="regex">
   <P XML-LEXTYPE="#CONTENT integer  TYPE letdig"  TYPE="p3">31415926535</P>

This has the advantage that nothing in SGML has to be touched. It has the
disadvantages of considerable indirection, reliance on DTDs, verbosity, and
requiring internal structure for attributes (or in attribute lists if you
like HyTime LINKENDS and the TC). It does make it possible to apply entirely
different constraints to different instances of the same attribute, but this
might be considered a liability as well as a benefit.

Obviously the definitions could be expressed in elements, in new declaration
types added by an amendment, or in PIs. There is also a variation where the
*entire* datatype definition goes on the attributes, but that is more
verbose, less clear, and obviates mnemonic names for datatypes. 

b) State the relationships between datatypes and attributes or content right
with the definitions, for example in header elements that apply for the rest
of the document. This reduces clutter:

   <datatype-def name="integer"    applies-to="P #PCDATA" 
                 expr="[0-9]+"     notation="regex">
   <datatype-def name="letdig"     applies-to="P TYPE" 
                 expr="[a-z][0-9]" notation="regex">
   <P TYPE="p3">31415926535</P>

c) In the DTD itself, via an amendment. Since SGML already has declarations
for the objects we want to constrain, and those declarations already provide
similar kinds of constraints (such as attribute declared values), this seems
the conceptually appropriate place. It would also require the least
complicated indirection and would be a near-trivial change technically. One
way to do it is simply to adopt HyTime's lexical typing mechanism into SGML
proper (that mechanism also becomes simpler in the process). For example:

<!NOTATION    REGEX      PUBLIC "+//ISBN 0-123-45678-9//POSIX regexes//EN">

<!DATATYPE    integer    "[0-9]+"     REGEX>
<!DATATYPE    letdig     "[a-z][0-9]" REGEX>
<!-- like entity dcls, one could allow the value to be an external ID, not
just a literal -->

<!ELEMENT     p          - - (#PCDATA(integer))>
<!ATTLIST     p
              type       CDATA(letdig)>

This requires only a few, backward-compatible additions:

i) A new DATATYPE declaration patterned after HyTime's lexical type
definition AF (this does not introduce any broad dependency on HyTime, since
the lexical typing is well modularized).

ii) An optional (lextype-name) suffix on attribute declared values (at least
CDATA) and on the keyword #PCDATA. I believe there is no syntax conflict
with () in either place; if I missed one, some other delimiter could of
course be substituted. The declared value name and/or #PCDATA keywords could
of course be replaced rather than suffixed by the lexical type name, for
example by #DATATYPE(name).

I think this approach can get the full capability of HyTime's lextype,
including the ability to hook to any external constraint language for
arbitrarily complex constraints. It does not complicate *parsing* of XML
document instances, since WFedness is unaffected (in just the same way that
HyTime lexical types, which are managed entirely separate from SGML parsing,
do not affect SGML validity or parsed results). *Validation* in this
scenario is harder only by exactly as much as it take to support the new
capability. So far as I can see, its sole relative disadvantage is that it
requires an enhancement to SGML itself.

So, that's a structuring of basic options. I favor providing one specific,
powerful though not total constraint language, namely regular expressions,
and a hook for getting to any others via NOTATION like SGML and HyTime
provide for many other cases. I also favor proposing an amendment to move
this compatibly into SGML proper, since it is a very small, backward
compatible, but highly leveragable change, and is far cleaner than having to
attach it indirectly somewhere else.

Hope I've at least been clear.

Steven J. DeRose, Ph.D., Chief Scientist
Inso Electronic Publishing Solutions
   (formerly EBT)

Received on Thursday, 22 May 1997 13:45:33 UTC