STEP/XML Presentation to WWW6 Workshop

Those of you who attended Jon Bosak's workshop at WWW6 at Santa Clara on
Monday will already have seen the attached presentation. However, I thought
it might be of interest to other WG members.

If any of you would be interested in having more information about STEP, or
about the current STEP-SGML harmonization initiatives, I'd be happy to oblige
if you would like to e-mail me at my main e-mail address which is as given
below (this AOL address is one I only use while traveling).

I have been following the debates on the WG and XML-DEV mailing lists with
interest over the past few weeks, and look forward to beginning to earn my
right to this privilege by making some active contributions of my own in the
very near future.

Daniel Rivers-Moore (Technical Director)
Fine Line Publishing Services (RivCom)

Received on Thursday, 10 April 1997 02:20:31 UTC