- From: <lee@sq.com>
- Date: Wed, 2 Apr 97 14:34:20 EST
- To: w3c-sgml-wg@w3.org
A strange comparison: > > XML docs are portable XML docs are for Web only > > > > XML needs > > PUBLIC, catalogs yes no Peter Murray-Rust responded: > It's important to realise what this phrase means, and it's very restrictive. > > ***It means that these documents cannot interact with anything outside a very > limited environment unless rigorous protocols are put in place.*** > > For example, when I receive a document(A) which references a relative URL(B) > (e.g. "html.dtd"), then the identity of B depends on the context(A). If the > only operation is transfer of documents between the client and the server > then the integrity is maintained. If, however, I want to *save the documents > to local filestore* the integrity is lost. This happens today with HTML documents, and is the reason why the world wide web never became populer. Er, oops. If you save an HTML document, all relative links will immediately break. This often means that you lose included images, for example, as well as links to other pages. * change links to make them absolute (complete) instead of relative * save multiple files so that all immediate relative links work, and possibly edit relative links in other text files that are saved * do none of the above (e.g. it's your own file & you're going to edit it here and thenput it back on the server) But neither MSIE nor Netsape nor yet Mosaic does that for HTML files today. > Of course with careful client-side maintenance this restriction can be > relaxed, but the likelihood of inexpert users breaking the integrity is > considerable. A (?the) primary role of PUBLIC is thus to act as an integrity > check at the client side, even if it's not used for resolution. I don't agree here. Non-expert web users survive just fine with exactly this problem. Yes, links break. No, catalog won't generally help, because chances are that the way in which a link breaks means you can find neither the SGML file nor the CATALOG file! Yes, people doing large-scale complex SGML-style work with XML will feel constricted. No, I don't care. Sun is using SGML and not XML for their documentation. Perhaps XML will evolve into something that has enough features to satisfy everyone one day. I'd rather drive a Morris Minor -- er, a VW Beetle/VW Bug or a CV2 -- today than wait for a solar-powered cadillac. Well, actually I don't own a car, as I don't need one in Toronto. There's enough public transport infrastructure that it's simpler not to drive, and you rarely wait more than ten minutes. Like the web, it's not perfect, but it's good enough. It's interesting that Steve (I think?) contrasted "for the web" and "portable". I'd say that the average moderately well-formed HTML file is far more portable in practice today between applications than the average SGML file. If you don't believe me, open SGML documents in 30 applications and show me how they look similar, without compiling rules or editing configuration files. Yes, there are people using SGML today who are happy to edit CATALOG and do other manual tasks in order to view or edit an SGML file. But it doesn't have to be that way, and we have the power to change it. I'm with Peter Murray-Rust on his a-h taxonomy (in another message). I think that automatic interchange is very important. XML will be used on the web, and that is our primary focus (see the Activity page) and it will be used in many other places. But if it doesn't work well on the web, because we didn't get interchange and interoperability right, I don't thinkwe can say we have succeeded in our allotted task. Lee -- Liam Quin, lee@sq.com | lq-text freely available Unix text retrieval Senior Technical Consultant | FAQs: Metafont fonts, OPEN LOOK UI, OpenWindows SoftQuad Inc. +1 416 544-9000 | xfonttool (Unix xfontsel in XView) http://www.softquad.com/ | the barefoot programmer ,
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