rdfcore 2003-09-25 telecon agenda

10:00:00 Fri Sep 25 2003 in America/New York duration 60 minutes +
possible 15 minute extension

which is equivalent to
15:00:00 Fri Sep 25 2003 in Europe/London

Phone: +1-617-761-6200 (Zakim)#7332
irc: irc.w3.org #rdfcore

danbri to chair.

1: scribe 
  Graham volunteered

Please could the minutes conform to:

2: Roll Call

3: Review Agenda

4: Next telecon 26 Sep 2003 1000 Boston Time
Volunteer Scribe

5: Minutes of 19 Sep 2003 telecon 

see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2003Sep/0213.html

6: Confirm Status of Completed Actions

(this portion of agenda needs more work, sorry --danbri)

See current action list 2003-09-25, 


7: Confirm Status of Withdrawn Actions


8: Status of Misc Actions


9: defusing semantics objections (lbase appendix)

Brian in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2003Sep/0242.html
	Two of Peter's objections concern the translation to LBase.  I'm 
	wondering whether we might defuse these objections by replacing the 
	LBase appendix with a suitably worded informative reference to the LBase 

see also 'not accepteds' re semantics (pfps) summarised in 

Proposed: we do just this from danbri,

10: collecting objections

what exactly do we need to record w.r.t. known objections (esp I18N)
prior to LC2? See
and nearby.

11: next steps - planning for LC2

What needs to be done? 

  - couch in terms of refining a 'request to advance' doc 
(old draft http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCore/20030331-advance.html)
and removing obstacles such that we're happy to send it.

What issues/comments do we need to respond to.
Schedule? - update after SW CG discussion this week

Received on Thursday, 25 September 2003 13:54:43 UTC