defusing objections [was Re: NotAccepted's against semantics]

Two of Peter's objections concern the translation to LBase.  I'm 
wondering whether we might defuse these objections by replacing the 
LBase appendix with a suitably worded informative reference to the LBase 
note, e.g.

An alternative formulation of the semantics of RDF(S) in the form of 
axioms for the langauge LBase can be found in the LBase specification 
[ref to lbase note].


Brian McBride wrote:
> Peter has clarified [1] the status of some of the comments he has made 
> on the LC semantics document:
> pfps-02 - translation to lbase - pfps notes the ball is in our court.
> pfps-03 - translation to lbase - pfps just doesn't see the need for 
> lbase in the document
> pfps-04 - rdf closure rules - pfps wants a stronger notion of 
> completeness of the closure rules
> pfps-05 - rdfs closure rules - again pfps wants a stronger notion of 
> completeness of the the closure rules
> pfps-06 - xml literals and LV - it is possible the latest docs fix this 
> and we have not pointed this out to pfps.
> Brian
> [1] 

Received on Thursday, 25 September 2003 13:19:44 UTC