Re: about " 3 "^^xsd:integer

Yes, but to address the subject issue, you need to use examples that 
show how your arguments apply to value spaces that aren't basically 
"stringy", such as integers, rather than other strings, or URIs.


Jeremy Carroll wrote:

>>> "4.3.6 whiteSpace
>>> [Definition:]   whiteSpace constrains the ˇvalue spaceˇ of types
>>> ˇderivedˇ from string such that the various behaviors specified in
> As an example xsd:NMToken
> (possible case typos)
> " a " is not in the value space and "a" is, because you cannot produce a 
> lexical form " a " given the whitespace facet, and hence you cannot 
> produce the value " a " either.
> XSD views any constraint which rules out certain lexical forms as also 
> ruling out the corresponding values which have no legal lexical 
> representations.
> A non-trivial example is that
> "  /foo"
> is not an xsd:anyURI
> Jeremy

Frank Manola                   The MITRE Corporation
202 Burlington Road, MS A345   Bedford, MA 01730-1420       voice: 781-271-8147   FAX: 781-271-875

Received on Tuesday, 9 September 2003 13:47:06 UTC