Re: about " 3 "^^xsd:integer

>> "4.3.6 whiteSpace
>> [Definition:]   whiteSpace constrains the ˇvalue spaceˇ of types
>> ˇderivedˇ from string such that the various behaviors specified in

As an example xsd:NMToken
(possible case typos)

" a " is not in the value space and "a" is, because you cannot produce a 
lexical form " a " given the whitespace facet, and hence you cannot produce 
the value " a " either.

XSD views any constraint which rules out certain lexical forms as also 
ruling out the corresponding values which have no legal lexical 

A non-trivial example is that

"  /foo"

is not an xsd:anyURI


Received on Tuesday, 9 September 2003 04:01:46 UTC