Re: schema and semantics differ: range of rdf:predicate?

At 09:00 31/10/03 -0600, pat hayes wrote:
>>Semantics has an rdfs axiomatic triple:
>>  rdf:predicate rdfs:range rdfs:Resource .
>>Schema states that the rdfs:range of rdf:predicate is rdf:Property [1].
>>We should have one story here.
>>  I think schema is correct.  Does that cause problems in semantics?
>No problem, but I seem to recall that we discussed this a while ago and 
>decided on the semantics version (which is why it is the way it is). There 
>was a reason, but I can't recall it right now.

I have a similar niggling feeling.

Brian, at some time in the past (around the time of the Bristol F2F, I 
think), you came up with a simple test case related to reification that 
meant that some otherwise reasonable restrictions were 
problematic.  Unfortunately, I don't recall the test case or the 
conclusion, but I'm wondering if it might be related.


Graham Klyne
For email:

Received on Friday, 31 October 2003 13:27:25 UTC