RDFCore teleconference: 2003-10-31

RDFCore teleconference:  2003-10-31

10:00:00 Fri Oct 31 2003 in America/New York duration 60 minutes +
possible 15 minute extension

which is equivalent to
15:00:00 Fri Oct 31 2003 in Europe/London

Phone: +1-617-761-6200 (Zakim)#7332
irc: irc.w3.org #rdfcore

danbri to chair.

IRC log: http://ilrt.org/discovery/chatlogs/rdfcore/2003-10-31

Summary of decisions:

RESOLVED:  remove test case XMLbase/test012

Summary of actions:

PatH,   Check with OWL folks on range of rdf:predictate
DANBRI, Update schema doc accordingly
BWM,    Update rdf.rdf (schema at RDF namespace) accordingly
EM,     To respond on primer-minor-editorial
Jang,   Remove test case and respond to commenter
PatH,   Ask Peter if an alternative approach to the inconsistency test case 
is OK
Brian,  Send schema document(s) to DanBri
DanBri, Get documents and other language material to right places


1: scribe:  GK

2: Roll Call

   Dave Beckett
   Brian McBride
   Graham Klyne
   Pat Hayes
   Dan Brickley
   Mike Dean
   Dan Connolly
   Eric Miller
   Jan Grant

   Jeremy Carroll
   Jos de Roo
   Patrick Stickler
   Frank Manola

3: Review Agenda

Suggested AOB:
   schema files at namespace URIs  (aka 'rdf.rdf')
   ISWC feedback

4: Next telecon, proposed: 7 Nov 2003 1000 Boston Time

Chair?   Not specified

Volunteer Scribe:  Jang

5: Document Status

Status of each document w.r.t. incoming LC2 feedback.

  - Syntax

One pending comment from PFPS, rest all dealt with

  - Schema

One outstanding issue.
Another on WG list: inconsistency between schema and semantics
(discussed next)

  - Semantics

LC version had some known problems found at last moment.
Pat has been working to fix these, in discussion with Herman and others.
Believes that all problems are now resolved.
All changes can be classed as editorial, in that they don't affect
normative material.

Issue about inconsistency between Schema and Semantics concerning
range of rdf:predicate.  Is it rdfs:Resource or rdf:property?
ACTION: Path,   Check with OWL folks on range of rdf:predictate
ACTION: DANBRI, Update schema doc accordingly
ACTION: BWM,    Update rdf.rdf (schema at RDF namespace) accordingly

  - Primer

Two minor comments, both have been addressed.

Brian has tracked an editorial issue as LC2 comment,
so this does require a response.

ACTION: EM, to respond on primer-minor-editorial

  - Tests

The 2396bis issue (URI with too many '..\'), needs a response.

RESOLVED:  remove test case XMLbase/test012
ACTION: Jang, remove test case and respond to commenter

Discussion of Peter's test case:
(inconsistency) => rdf:type rdf:type rdf:type

Much discussion about whether to include Peter's test case verbatim,
or to use a variation that is less likely to cause confusion to people
not familiar with the idea that anything can be logically deduced
from a contradiction.

Suprise was expressed that there is now a way to express an
inconsistency in RDF without using datatype entailment.

Multiple roles for test cases was noted, possibly in conflict:
(a) illustrate group decisions, and
(b) basis of evidence for proceeding to PR

Eventually, it was decided to respond to the commenter to see if
they felt an alternative approach to illustrating the inconsistency
would be OK.  If not then the offered test case will be used as-is,
possibly supported by a more obviously presented test case.

ACTION: PatH, Ask Peter if an alternative approach to the inconsistency 
test case is OK

  - Concepts

No LC2 comments,  one typo spotted.
No outstanding issues in tracker.
WebOnt have recently decided to accept Concepts

  - LBase

No negative comments

6: Next steps / schedule

End of last call is 7-Nov-2003.
Next, proposed recommendation request draft for presentation to director
NOTE: plan is to skip CR, go for PR

The PR request document requires some attention, identified by Brian
in a recent message, with further input from people noted in that
message.  We need noted individuals (PatH?) to read Brian's message.

What to do about I18N issue response?
[[[scribe missed (Brian's?) comment here]]]

There is also some concern that the claim of two implementations passing
each test case is not sufficiently sunstantiated.  Maybe the evidence is
there is properly presented?

DaveB, please look at test case work by Jeremy and Jos, and determine
if this is easily put into a form in which it can be checked/presented
using the OWL test case software.

MIME type registration.

GK looked into this, thinks we are in reasonably good shape.
For details, see message:
Some immediate further steps are suggested.

Status of schema files at namespace URIs
Brian has split out rdf schema from rdfs schema.
A couple of issues were spotted.
Ralph has requested non-english labels included.
French language material is available in schema directory.

ACTION: Brian,  Send schema document(s) to DanBri
ACTION: DanBri, Get documents and other language material to right places

7: Planning for life after REC / Semantic Web Activity phase 2

(time didn't permit)

swebscrape:N3:python: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCore/scripts/minutes2n3.py

Graham Klyne
For email:

Received on Friday, 31 October 2003 12:02:38 UTC