[closed] Re: proposed test of RDFS entailment rules


with reference to your last call-2 comment


archived at


the WG proposes to accept your comment and in response make the 
following changes:

1. To add an RDFS test case with your premise set and with the 
conclusion being a manifest document
abbreviated as 'FALSE', which is the form already used in the 
test-cases document to indicate the presence of an inconsistency; cf. 

2. To add a test case illustrating the principle that an 
inconsistency entails anything, using your conclusion:

<http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> .

Both of the above are positive entailment tests.

To clarify, we accept that this entailment is true; however, in the hope
of keeping the distinction between two concepts clear, we think that it
would be more usefully illustrative to break the test case into the two
parts as indicated.

The point of these is to illustrate that any inconsistent premise can be
used to entail any conclusion, and avoid giving the impression that 
this behavior is special to this particular case.

Please reply, copying to www-rdf-comments@w3.org, to indicate whether 
this response is acceptable.

Pat Hayes

PS. We also note, in case this might be relevant, that the latest 
editor's draft of the semantics document mentions this case and gives 
a syntactic criterion for recognizing the inconsistency within RDFS, 
with a derivation using the rules in that document.

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Received on Friday, 31 October 2003 16:13:05 UTC