Minutes, 2003-10-10

With apologies for lateness:



swebscrape:N3:python: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCore/scripts/minutes2n3.py
date: 2003-10-10

Roll call:
  Dave Beckett
  Dan Brickley
  Jeremy Carroll
  Dan Connolly
  Jan Grant (scribe)
  Pat Hayes
  Graham Klyne
  Brian McBride (chair)
  Eric Miller

Regrets: Frank Manola, Patrick Stickler, Mike Dean.

Comments on the agenda: discussion was tabled for the semantics document
	under agenda item 8.

Next telecon: 17 Oct 2003 1000 Boston Time
  We need a scribe.

Minutes of 2003-10-03 as revised:


Item 6: Confirm status of completed actions.
No comments, all DONE.

Item 7: Miscellaneous actions:
All continued; JJC noted he wouldn't be able to address 2003-10-03#5 for
	about three weeks.

Item 8: Publication status.

ACTION: 2003-10-10#1 em write up publication "lessons learned"

A late bug in the informative proof section of semantics had just
arisen. Various options for the publication of semantics and the other
drafts as last call (or othewise) were considered.

The WG decided to leave the exact details of semantics publication to
the discretion of Eric and Pat; they left the telecon to continue
discussion off-line.

ACTION: 2003-10-10#2 bwm htmldiffs for the documents
ACTION: 2003-10-10#3 bwm last call announcement

Item 9: Handling LC2 comments

It was felt that strictly editorial fixups of typos should be left to
editorial discretion. Any other changes to the documents post last call
should be raised on the rdfcore-wg list first.

The WebOnt WG's practice of "no extended discussions on the comments
list" was felt to be useful. Any discussion arising out of a LC2 comment
should take place off the -comments list; a summary of status should be
sent to the -comments list.

AOB (post meeting)

DanC noted that sw-meaning had met once, was meeting again on the 10th,
with agenda:
Previous meeting log:

The meeting closed.

jan grant, ILRT, University of Bristol. http://www.ilrt.bris.ac.uk/
Tel +44(0)117 9287088 Fax +44 (0)117 9287112 http://ioctl.org/jan/
Ever see something and think, "I've gotta leverage me some of that?"
Odds are, you were looking at a synergy and didn't even know it.

Received on Thursday, 16 October 2003 06:38:13 UTC