Minutes of 2003-10-03 RDFCore WG telcon

2003-10-03 RDFCore WG meeting



date: 2003-10-03

2: Roll call
   Dave Beckett (scribe)
   Jeremy Carroll
   Dan Connolly
   Mike Dean
   Pat Hayes
   Graham Klyne
   Frank Manola
   Brian McBride (chair)
   Eric Miller
   Patrick Stickler

   Dan Brickley
   Jan Grant
   Jos De Roo

3: Thanks

Brian expressed thanks for all those busy helping work on the LC2
issues in public and private "they know who they are"

4: Review Agenda
AOB: DTD Validation of RDF/XML (FrankM)
AOB: XML Schema Review (EricM)

5: Next telecon 10 Oct 2003 1000 Boston Time

Chair Brian McBride

6: Minutes of 26 Sep 2003 telecon as revised

as revised

7: Confirm Status of Completed Actions

All done

8: Confirm Status of Withdrawn Actions

Noted 20030926#8 withdrawn, no action needed.

9: Status of Misc Actions

10: Update on last call comments

pfps-04 and pfps-05 both on entailment merged into one last call
objection with PFPS's agreement.

11: Literals must be in NFC

Proposed: Connolly/W3C
  To change NFC MUST to SHOULD, contingent on confirmation from I18N
  WG and with some editorial discretion for the editors to take
  advice from peers.

Seconded: Carroll/HP.  Against: none:  abstain: none.

ACTION 2003-10-03#1 jjc continue NFC dicussion with I18N
ACTION 2003-10-03#2 jjc change concepts NFC MUST to SHOULD
ACTION 2003-10-03#3 daveb change syntax NFC MUST to SHOULD

12: Meeting requirements for last call.

Outstanding objections document

LC1 Issue xmlsch-02

Discussion of (member only) draft comments from XML Schema WG
and the whitespace processing xmlsch-02 issue.

A straw poll was held on the proposal by JJC in
and did not receive strong enough support for that change. 
The default of no document changes on this issue remains.

ACTION 2003-10-03#4 bwm ensure last call comment disposition is up to date

"rdf:RDF should be optional" - Mark Baker

  Proposal: Beckett/ILRT
      To allow rdf/xml documents to start with a nodeElement
      production in addition to rdf:RDF.

Seconded: Carroll/HP.  Against: none.  Abstain: Hayes/IHMC, Dean/BBN

ACTION 2003-10-03#5 jjc check the w3c rdf validator handles omitted rdf:RDF
ACTION 2003-10-03#6 daveb change rdf/xml syntax to allow nodeELement as root
ACTION 2003-10-03#7 daveb add test case to test allowing omitted rdf:RDF
ACTION 2003-10-03#8 frankm change primer to have an omitted rdf:RDF example

"Internal DTD Examples Invalidate the RDF/XML Documents" - Dennis E. Hamilton

Discussion, no new information or change seen as necessary. FrankM to
  DaveB noted http://dublincore.org/documents/2002/07/31/dcmes-xml/

"comments on 26 September version of RDF Semantics document" - PFPS
PatH has responded to all of these points

"RDF Semantics: partial review" - Herman ter Horst
PatH has adopted some wording changes to clear up things here.
JJC noted that more comments may appear as this is a partial review.

LC2 review period for other groups
web services - interested, nobody yet signed up to do the work
xml core     - met and agreed to provide responses, want 4 weeks
xml schema   - on agenda in WG meeting today, expect to say yes
htmlwg       - expect to review it, no comments on what timescale

ACTION 2003-10-03#9 ericm chase other groups on the 'heads up list' re reviews for RDF LC2 WDs

Document status and critical paths
concepts  - missing SOTD, no links scripts yet
primer    - Need to update rdf:RDF change just made and using
            non-validating XML parsers; will update by 6th Oct.
semantics - tiny further edit needed for NFC
syntax    - none

Script for links

ACTION 2003-10-03#10 ericm produce boiler place for RDF LC2 SOTD template. If done earlier, editors will add document-specific bits.
ACTION 2003-10-03#11 daveb work with danbri's script for fixing up internal references

  Reference urls like this (for schema):
  Publication date (put this on the documents and in references):
    10 October 2003

Docs should be ready by Wednesday 8 October 2003
Change logs should be checked that they are correct and mention
non-editorial changes; ones that are visible from a test case.

A suggestion that HTML diffs from previous versions may be produced
(bwm to investigate).

Proposal: Hayes/IMWC
  Move all 6 working drafts to second Last Call

Seconded: Carroll/HP.  Against: none.  Abstain: none.

Review of critical path people/groups

primer    - want to see change made to rdf:RDF in syntax by daveb
concepts  - waiting for some i18n feedback (Martin Duerst primarily)
syntax    - none
schema    - none,  we believe it is ready and unchanged
semantics - done, path happy to get eyeballs
            JJC suggested telling reviewers looking at the current WDs
            to stop for now, thank them and note new LC2 WD out soon.

test cases - wording about negative entailment

ACTION 2003-10-03#12 daveb either work with jang to change the negative entailment test wording, or do it himself by monday 6th October

A new version of the LBase note will be published to go with the LC2
WDs with some small changes; it may be published with them if it is
ready, not critical to go that day.

Meeting closed


13: Handling lc2 comments.

Not reached

Received on Friday, 3 October 2003 14:51:22 UTC