- From: Dave Beckett <dave.beckett@bristol.ac.uk>
- Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2003 19:50:01 +0100
- To: w3c-rdfcore-wg@w3.org
2003-10-03 RDFCore WG meeting Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2003Oct/0036.html Transcript: http://ilrt.org/discovery/chatlogs/rdfcore/2003-10-03 swebscrape:N3:python:http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCore/scripts/minutes2n3.py date: 2003-10-03 2: Roll call Dave Beckett (scribe) Jeremy Carroll Dan Connolly Mike Dean Pat Hayes Graham Klyne Frank Manola Brian McBride (chair) Eric Miller Patrick Stickler Regrets: Dan Brickley Jan Grant Jos De Roo 3: Thanks Brian expressed thanks for all those busy helping work on the LC2 issues in public and private "they know who they are" 4: Review Agenda AOB: DTD Validation of RDF/XML (FrankM) AOB: XML Schema Review (EricM) 5: Next telecon 10 Oct 2003 1000 Boston Time Chair Brian McBride 6: Minutes of 26 Sep 2003 telecon as revised http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2003Sep/0267.html as revised http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2003Sep/0273.html approved 7: Confirm Status of Completed Actions All done 8: Confirm Status of Withdrawn Actions Noted 20030926#8 withdrawn, no action needed. 9: Status of Misc Actions 10: Update on last call comments pfps-04 and pfps-05 both on entailment merged into one last call objection with PFPS's agreement. 11: Literals must be in NFC Proposed: Connolly/W3C To change NFC MUST to SHOULD, contingent on confirmation from I18N WG and with some editorial discretion for the editors to take advice from peers. Seconded: Carroll/HP. Against: none: abstain: none. ACTION 2003-10-03#1 jjc continue NFC dicussion with I18N ACTION 2003-10-03#2 jjc change concepts NFC MUST to SHOULD ACTION 2003-10-03#3 daveb change syntax NFC MUST to SHOULD 12: Meeting requirements for last call. Outstanding objections document http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCore/objections.html LC1 Issue xmlsch-02 Discussion of (member only) draft comments from XML Schema WG http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/2003/10/xmlschema.rdf.comments.responses.html#id2612457 and the whitespace processing xmlsch-02 issue. A straw poll was held on the proposal by JJC in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2003Oct/0003.html and did not receive strong enough support for that change. The default of no document changes on this issue remains. ACTION 2003-10-03#4 bwm ensure last call comment disposition is up to date "rdf:RDF should be optional" - Mark Baker http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-rdf-comments/2003JulSep/0358.html Proposal: Beckett/ILRT To allow rdf/xml documents to start with a nodeElement production in addition to rdf:RDF. Seconded: Carroll/HP. Against: none. Abstain: Hayes/IHMC, Dean/BBN ACTION 2003-10-03#5 jjc check the w3c rdf validator handles omitted rdf:RDF ACTION 2003-10-03#6 daveb change rdf/xml syntax to allow nodeELement as root ACTION 2003-10-03#7 daveb add test case to test allowing omitted rdf:RDF ACTION 2003-10-03#8 frankm change primer to have an omitted rdf:RDF example "Internal DTD Examples Invalidate the RDF/XML Documents" - Dennis E. Hamilton http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-rdf-comments/2003OctDec/0005.html Discussion, no new information or change seen as necessary. FrankM to respond. DaveB noted http://dublincore.org/documents/2002/07/31/dcmes-xml/ "comments on 26 September version of RDF Semantics document" - PFPS http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-rdf-comments/2003JulSep/0363.html PatH has responded to all of these points "RDF Semantics: partial review" - Herman ter Horst http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-rdf-comments/2003JulSep/0373.html PatH has adopted some wording changes to clear up things here. JJC noted that more comments may appear as this is a partial review. LC2 review period for other groups web services - interested, nobody yet signed up to do the work xml core - met and agreed to provide responses, want 4 weeks xml schema - on agenda in WG meeting today, expect to say yes htmlwg - expect to review it, no comments on what timescale ACTION 2003-10-03#9 ericm chase other groups on the 'heads up list' re reviews for RDF LC2 WDs Document status and critical paths concepts - missing SOTD, no links scripts yet primer - Need to update rdf:RDF change just made and using non-validating XML parsers; will update by 6th Oct. semantics - tiny further edit needed for NFC syntax - none Script for links http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2003Oct/0049.html ACTION 2003-10-03#10 ericm produce boiler place for RDF LC2 SOTD template. If done earlier, editors will add document-specific bits. ACTION 2003-10-03#11 daveb work with danbri's script for fixing up internal references Details: Reference urls like this (for schema): http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCore/TR/WD-rdf-schema-20030117/ Publication date (put this on the documents and in references): 10 October 2003 Docs should be ready by Wednesday 8 October 2003 Change logs should be checked that they are correct and mention non-editorial changes; ones that are visible from a test case. A suggestion that HTML diffs from previous versions may be produced (bwm to investigate). Proposal: Hayes/IMWC Move all 6 working drafts to second Last Call Seconded: Carroll/HP. Against: none. Abstain: none. Review of critical path people/groups primer - want to see change made to rdf:RDF in syntax by daveb concepts - waiting for some i18n feedback (Martin Duerst primarily) syntax - none schema - none, we believe it is ready and unchanged semantics - done, path happy to get eyeballs JJC suggested telling reviewers looking at the current WDs to stop for now, thank them and note new LC2 WD out soon. test cases - wording about negative entailment ACTION 2003-10-03#12 daveb either work with jang to change the negative entailment test wording, or do it himself by monday 6th October A new version of the LBase note will be published to go with the LC2 WDs with some small changes; it may be published with them if it is ready, not critical to go that day. Meeting closed --- 13: Handling lc2 comments. Not reached
Received on Friday, 3 October 2003 14:51:22 UTC