Re: RDF lists

At 04:59 PM 9/20/02 +0200, Jos De_Roo wrote:

> >>Pat, I think I'm fine with that
> >>
> >>how can we express that
> >>when given
> >>   _:l1 rdf:first :a .
> >>   _:l1 rdf:rest :b .
> >>
> >>   _:l2 rdf:first :a .
> >>   _:l2 rdf:rest :b .
> >>
> >>then _:l1 and _:l2 are tidy
> >
> > can't. That is, there could be two lists with the same members.
>thus far I thought that 2 sequences with the same members
>*are* the same sequence (i.e. the denoted thing is the same)
>how could they ever be different, I mean semantically?

I think that even though they may be different lists (containing different 
graph nodes), if IR is closed under list construction and the given 
semantics for rdf:first, rdf:rest then each must entail the other -- by 
virtue always being true.

Tricker, I think, is how one gets the expected entailments when a list is 
related to some other entity -- I guess the OWL folks will have to sort 
that one.


Graham Klyne

Received on Friday, 20 September 2002 11:37:16 UTC