RDF Concepts and Abstract Data Model - Review Copy

As actioned yesterday I have prepared a new version of this WD for review by 
next Friday, when, hopefully, we will agree to publish.

The new copy is dated 26 October and can be found at:


For those of you who have already studied the 25 October draft, the following 
version shows non-trivial differences.


Please try and avoid confusing these two drafts.

There is an archive copy (CSS and imgs broken) at:

Substantive differences from yesterday are:
+ the datatype URI component of a literal is optional
+ the term typed literal and untyped literal are defined and used
+ the type rdfs:StringLiteral is deleted

Other differences are
+ the untyped literal is suggested as appropriate for "plain text in a natural 
+ datatype mappings only use the string, not the langID
+ rdfs:XMLLiteral is an exception in that it uses the langID
+ no value is defined for untyped literals (section 4.2.2)
+ the lexical form is the string not a pair
+ literals are hence triples (except for untyped ones)


PS: I think these latest changes are an improvement, not merely an attempt to 
compromise with Pat. The notion of untyped literal is one that RDF users 
moving from M&S will know, and readers of the primer will use. So to have 
that explicit in the graph is probably appropriate.

Received on Saturday, 26 October 2002 03:58:43 UTC