RE: RDF literals and datatypes

> Does
>    <a> <b> "foo"@"lang1"^^dtype .
> entail
>    <a> <b> "foo"@"lang2"^^dtype .
> for all dtype except the two built in ones for M&S style literals?

answer: no.  (on the current doc)

It would be easy to make the small step back to say

answer: yes

for when the entail is dtype aware.

If we wanted to keep the elegance of everything is typed, and answer no for
rdf-entailment (with no knowledge of dtype) I suspect we are making life a
touch more difficult for Pat, and the two built in datatypes would need to
get special treatment in the MT. I doubt it would be too difficult.


Received on Friday, 25 October 2002 07:52:30 UTC