Re: Time to reconsider namespace URIs?

At 08:38 PM 10/22/02 +0200, Jeremy Carroll wrote:

> > the interpretation of literals in
> > the current (old) namespace remains ambiguous, and interpretation in the
> > new namespace is subject to the new stricter rules.  This means that Mike
> > Dean's data, and others, isn't overnight declared wrong, just
> > ambiguous.
>I would like to hear from the horse's mouth!
>I note that changing the namespace URI is a big deal for tool builders.
>Off the top of my head, I would expect the Jena team to need at least a 
>of months to work out and implement an appropriate strategy for this single
>feature. Obviously if its the right call then we will do that - but ...


If true, that suggests to me that namespace identifiers (as language 
identifiers) fail in one their main goals, per [1] (which is a topic of 
debate for another place).



Graham Klyne

Received on Tuesday, 22 October 2002 15:20:08 UTC