Re: Typed literals: current status

[Patrick Stickler, Nokia/Finland, (+358 40) 801 9690,]

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "ext Patrick Stickler" <>
To: "ext Jeremy Carroll" <>; <>
Sent: 21 October, 2002 11:08
Subject: Re: Typed literals: current status

> > ...But 
> > if we had two new types rdf:ClassicLiteral, rdf:ClassicXMLLiteral then we 
> > could move all the complexity of XML Literals into a datatype definition.

It just occurred to me that perhaps I misunderstood what you
are proposing. Are you suggesting in fact that

                    Non-XML     |               XML
Non-Typed  |      "10"-en       |      XML"<h1>foo</h1>"-en
Typed      | "10"<&xsd;int>-en  |  XML"<h1>foo</h1>"<&xhtml;h1>-en

becomes rather

                    Non-XML     |               XML
Non-Typed  | "10"<&rdf;ClassicLiteral>-en |  
           |                    | XML"<h1>foo</h1>"<&rdf;ClassicXMLLiteral>-en
Typed      | "10"<&xsd;int>-en  |  XML"<h1>foo</h1>"<&xhtml;h1>-en


So that in fact, we'd never have non-typed literals in the abstract
syntax ever?

And would that provide for typed XML literals such as

If so, then I would support that. Though, I think that the "Classic"
could be omitted and just call them rdf:Literal and rdf:XMLLiteral.


Received on Monday, 21 October 2002 04:23:18 UTC