Datatyping in concepts document

At 06:35 PM 10/17/02 +0100, wrote:
>2002-09-13#2  gk  to update concepts doc to cover 1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 2.3
>                    to reflect datatype concensus

I believe the 2002-10-10 concepts document [1] covers 1.1 (what is...?), 
2.2 (mapping) and 2.3 (typed literals).

I have not included material from 1.2 (desiderata) because I don't see how 
it fits or helps in the revised document structure:  I think it was useful 
to guide us during development of datatyping issues, but now we've got to 
where we are I really don't think it will further enlighten readers in any 
important way.



Graham Klyne

Received on Thursday, 17 October 2002 14:26:31 UTC