Graphs and documents

Responding to:

At 07:55 PM 11/21/02 +0100, Jeremy Carroll wrote:
>The key problem here is that the issue resolution really only talks about a
>single RDF document making an assertion.
>The editors have bravely tried to extend this issue resolution to multiple
>related independently authored RDF documents which when combined have
>slanderous entailment.
>(See particularly:
>To make that work then the idea of a URI owner is needed, and this idea
>seems, somewhat problematic.
>However, a single document is hardly a semantic web!
>And without text such as that I am questioning, we could end up with the
>situation where in the clown example none of the original authors are liable
>but someone who sucks up that part of the semantic web and spits it out as a
>single document then has a legal liability!

Separately from the original comment... I think RDG core is about RDF 
graphs.  There are any number of conventions, some social, some technical, 
that might apply for constructing graphs from documents.  I thought we 
weren't ready to nail those down.


Graham Klyne

Received on Monday, 25 November 2002 09:36:30 UTC