First bit of datatype test cases (for Jos): manifest support.

I've updated
(and related support files) to include the following lines:

   <!-- For datatype entailments, include the next line AND give the datatype support required -->
   <test:entailmentRules rdf:resource="" />
   <test:datatypeSupport rdf:resource="" />

Basically, if an entailment test (positive or negative) requires
datatype knowledge / general DT closure rules then the entailmentRules
tag is needed. In addition, the datatypeSupport tag can be repeated to
list the specific datatypes used in the test.


PS. The test case document includes this text:

Negative Entailment Tests


Should a premise document contain a semantic error with respect to any
constraints imposed by the entailment rules selected, the entailment is
treated as not holding; that is, the test will succeed.

So I'm going to use this to include the following test:

it is NOT the case that
eg:a eg:foo "fiewh"^^xsd:integer .
(with knowledge of the xsd:integer datatype).

I'll come back to the list with the other tests in a bit.

jan grant, ILRT, University of Bristol.
Tel +44(0)117 9287088 Fax +44 (0)117 9287112
It's a sad fact that the word "semantics" seems to have lost all meaning.

Received on Tuesday, 19 November 2002 05:35:51 UTC