Re: Proposed NTriples changes for literal notation

>>>Dave Beckett said:
> >>>Graham Klyne said:
> >    xml("<b>foo</b>"-en)        XML content, language given "en"
> Hmm.  Yeah, might be better.

Actually I realised the ()s are redundant, so this might be better:
   xml"<b>foo</b>"-en        XML content, language given "en"

Getting specific, I propose the following changes to production

changing to

  literal  ::=  langString | XMLstring

and adding new productions:

  langString   ::= '"' string '"' ('-' language)

  xmlString    ::= 'xml' langString

    ISSUE #1: OR maybe?
      xmlString    ::= 'xml"' string '"' ('-' language)

  language     ::= character+

    This is any allowed xml:lang content as defined in

    ISSUE #2: I don't think specifying this more precisely here is
    worth it.  If the consensus is to do this, it would be something
    like this (after RFC 1766):
       language ::= [a-zA-Z]{1,8} ('-' [a-zA-Z]{1,8})


Received on Monday, 11 March 2002 08:20:47 UTC