Re: Datatypes and xml:lang

On 2002-01-30 21:58, "ext Dave Beckett" <> wrote:

> Can the TDL / S authors say something about where they see how the
> xml:lang attribute will appear in the data type models.
> Use this pseudo N-triples to talk about language-enabled literals:
>  "foo"(en)
>  "foo"        - no language
> Thanks
> Dave

Firstly, was it not decided that xml:lang was to be removed
or at least ignored?

Secondly, this is a matter of value qualification (or statement
qualification, depending on your particular bent)

At present, it seems the preferred way of handling this is
by using a blank node that has the literal value and
the qualifiers hanging off it. E.g.

   X ex:title _:1 .
   _:1 rdf:value "foo" .
   _:1 xml:lang "en" .

[or in RDF/XML:

   <rdf:Description rdf:ID="X">
     <ex:title xml:lang="en" rdf:value="foo"/>

with the datatyping presumption

   xml:lang rdfs:range xsd:lang .

or an alternative is reification

   X ex:title "foo" .

   _:s rdf:type rdf:Statement .
   _:s rdf:subject X .
   _:s rdf:predicate ex:title .
   _:s rdf:object "foo" .
   _:s xml:lang "en" .
So, this really isn't a datatyping issue at all. It's
a qualification/scoping issue. The literal "foo" does
not have a datatype of (xml:lang,"en") but rather that
is a property of the value (not the literal).




Patrick Stickler              Phone: +358 50 483 9453
Senior Research Scientist     Fax:   +358 7180 35409
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Received on Thursday, 31 January 2002 04:40:04 UTC