doing provenance in RDF 1.0 clarified

One way of doing provenance in RDF 1.0 clarified I could [*] think of is

  <source> rdf:li [ a rdf:Statement; rdf:subject :s; rdf:predicate :p; rdf:object :o ] .

where <source> is a uriref pointing to an RDF document on the Web
and Statement is according to a "yes" on DanBri's entailment test case
and rdf:li a rdfs:ContainerMembershipProperty .


[*] could be via done based on an axiom a la
    { ?so log:includes { ?s ?p ?o } } log:implies
      { ?so rdf:li [ a rdf:Statement; rdf:subject ?s; rdf:predicate ?p; rdf:object ?o ] } .

Received on Sunday, 10 February 2002 10:16:55 UTC