Re: PRISM and multiple element concern

>>5) A place where I don't see a satisfactory answer: PRISM allows
>>    both
>>    <article> <prism:location> "Texas"
>>    <article> <prism:location> <iso3166-2:us-tx>
>>    One is a string, the other a term in a controlled vocabulary.

That is OK, as long as the second object isn't a literal. If that 
colonized uri is supposed to expand into a doublet:

<article> <prism:location> "Texas"
<article> <prism:location> _:x .
_:x <iso3166-2> "us-tx" .

then this is  OK;  the second use of <prism:location> does not impose 
a dtype on the "us-tx" literal. You can make <iso3166-2> into a 
datatype and then it works fine.

>>    I could declare the range of prism:location to be a location, but
>>    that is vacuous.
>Could you:
>   <prism:location> <rdfs:range>      <prism:Location> .
>   <prism:Location> <rdf:type>        <rdfs:Class> .
>   <rdf:Literal>    <rdfs:subClassOf> <prism:Location> .
>   <iso:Location>   <rdfs:subClassOf> <prism:Location> .

<prism:isolocation> <rdfs:subPropertyOf> <prism:location> .
<prism:isolocation> <rdfs:range> <iso3166-2> .

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Received on Thursday, 7 February 2002 12:31:11 UTC