Re: PRISM and multiple element concern

At 09:36 05/02/2002 -0800, Ronald Daniel wrote:

Summarising some your response:

   o complexity is a big issue - keep it simple guys
     (Does that mean S-B, on its own, would be enough
      for Prism?)

>2) PRISM CAN specify one or the other idiom to be used for its elements.

  o tidy literals is acceptable

And a response to this:

>5) A place where I don't see a satisfactory answer: PRISM allows
>    both
>    <article> <prism:location> "Texas"
>    <article> <prism:location> <iso3166-2:us-tx>
>    One is a string, the other a term in a controlled vocabulary.
>    I could declare the range of prism:location to be a location, but
>    that is vacuous.

Could you:

   <prism:location> <rdfs:range>      <prism:Location> .
   <prism:Location> <rdf:type>        <rdfs:Class> .
   <rdf:Literal>    <rdfs:subClassOf> <prism:Location> .
   <iso:Location>   <rdfs:subClassOf> <prism:Location> .


>I don't see that I can say anything else about
>    the data type of the object of the statements.

Hmm, not sure this is a datatyping question.

>    Along those lines, here are some 'reasonable' data type declarations
>    that can't be made:
>     <dc:creator> <rdfs:range> <x:Person> . # Companies can be authors too
>     <dc:publisher> <rdfs:range <x:Company> . # people can self-publish

Same trick can apply, I think.


Received on Thursday, 7 February 2002 08:41:01 UTC